Oshkosh 2023 – In the Books with an Award

Oshkosh 2023 is now in the History Books. It was an awesome time with my wife coming along this year! It is difficult to nail down the highlight of the trip. Stay tuned for more posts in the coming weeks covering the flights, the sights, the fun, and the misery. (Spoiler alert, it was the […]

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We Can Cancel Flight Following If It Helps

You would think that with all the rain and clouds we have had this winter in Southern California that I wouldn’t need to go up with a safety pilot for an IFR currency flight. If I were retired and could fly any day of the week, that would be true. But I am not independently […]

The Wind Giveth and The Wind Taketh Away

It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. Well, that isn’t an entirely accurate statement. I’m talking about a tale of two Thanksgiving trips, and both were in our Mooney, so it wasn’t “the worst of times.” How could it be “the worst of times” when I was cruising along in […]

Art Craft Paint Review

Sometime after seven weeks of not flying I really started feeling the withdrawal. From the time I took my first flight six and a half years ago I think the longest I had been without flying was 3-4 weeks and this felt like an eternity. The total downtime was roughly three weeks longer than originally […]

Can You Be Off The Ground In One Minute

A backhand slap from ATC, amazing Russian food, and a one minute “Void if not off by” clearance. What a great evening! How did it all start? In May 2021 another pilot on Mooneyspace was talking about possibly moving from Buffalo, NY to Southern California. I sent him a message with my cell number and […]

Cameras, Mounts, and Cables

So, you want to be a YouTube star? Have you thought that through all the way? Maybe you’re like me, no desire for YouTube fame, you just want to watch your flights and do it without breaking the bank. Recording your flights does not have to be an expensive endeavor. You can spend hundreds on […]

July 4th – Santa Paula – Breakfast and a Bike Ride

We have a couple of folding e-bikes from Citizen Bikes that we purchased specifically to take in the plane and use at our destinations. I am embarrassed to say that while they have been used some since we got them 18 months ago, they had yet to find their way to the airport and into […]

Part III – Oshkosh Rookie – Getting out of Dodge

“All good things must come to an end,” or so they say. Our plan was to stay for the Wednesday evening airshow and depart Thursday morning. As I had done every morning, I woke up and looked at the weather forecast for the day. Unfortunately, what I saw was thunderstorms forecast for the evening with […]

Part II – Oshkosh Rookie – The Show

“Welcome to the show!” You hear it multiple times on the radio as you are arriving at Oshkosh. I wonder, do the controllers mumble that in their sleep at night? After arriving on the “Green Dot” we followed the marshal’s directions along the taxiways, crossing runways, and eventually to a parking place. When it was […]

Part I – Oshkosh Rookie – Getting There

The uncertainty, the expectations, the anticipation, and a myriad of other thoughts and emotions combine to make the “First Time” different than all the rest, regardless of the event. Oshkosh, the mother of all air shows, is no exception. 2020 was going to be my Oshkosh Rookie year, but like many other things it was […]

Carburetor’s, Fuel Flow, and CHT’s

This article specifically only applies to those of us with an O-360. However, the rest of you with fuel injection likely know someone with a carburetor so you could keep reading to share your newfound knowledge with them. I hope that sharing my carb replacement experience will help others when they come to that point […]

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