A Little Night Flying and Pop-up IFR

I like flying after work on Wednesday’s when the weather and my schedule permits. It’s convenient, the airport is just a few miles from where I end my workday, and it is a great way to unwind after a day at work.
Some Creative Weight and Balance Calculations

We had wrapped up our third day at Wolf Creek, soaked tired muscles at the “Hippy Dip,” the free hot springs in town, and were back at our house when my youngest son called to say he had quit his current job.
Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake

Catch Me If You Can, written by Stan Redding who had interviewed Frank Abagnale Jr, is the true (maybe) story of one of the greatest conmen in history.
December 2023 Newsletter

I hope you enjoy the fifth edition of the newsletter. Please click the links the newsletter for the articles, (or the link below it) to open the attachment. Note on a phone you may not see the newsletter and need to click the download link to download the PDF and view it. Also, feel free […]
IFR Currency Flight

The end of November was on the horizon and I needed two more approaches to stay IFR current. To act as Pilot in Command (PIC) for a flight under IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) conditions a pilot must maintain instrument currency. Instrument currency translates to six (6) Instrument Approach Procedures every six (6) months along with […]
Tail Winds Both Ways?

What makes a perfect trip? First, you need a destination. Or, on second thought maybe you don’t need a destination. I confess that some great flights have started and ended at the same airport. For sake of this discussion let’s say you need a destination. If there is a good purpose for the trip it […]
I love the General Aviation Community

Art Craft finished up the touch up work and it was time to pickup the plane. The only problem was my ride to Santa Maria fell through and I needed a new ride to save driving. Who wants to drive four hours when it can be done in a one hour flight? The General Aviation […]
Area 51 by Annie Jacobsen

Everyone, unless you have been living under a rock, has heard of Area 51. The conspiracy theorists and tin foil hat folks have been talking about it for decades. Annie Jacobsen, a New York Times best selling author, conducted interviews of over 70 men who worked on the top secret base. The book’s sub-title is […]
November 2023 Newsletter

I hope you enjoy the fourth edition of the newsletter. Please click the links the newsletter for the articles,(or the link below it) to open the attachment. Also, feel free to download it and share with friends. 🙂 If you would like it straight to your inbox each month, please enter your email in the […]
Flying to the Orchestra

Living in Southern California with extended family in Utah I don’t know how many times I have driven the lonely stretch of Interstate 15 through the desert from home to Las Vegas and on through more desert to St George, UT. The combination of lack of scenery, along with the inevitable traffic jams that crop […]
Reduce YOUR useless load

We probably all know someone who has spent great amounts of money in efforts to increase the useful load of their plane. Maybe that someone is you. That isn’t what this article is about. This is about reducing your personal useless load. I would wager a bet that many of us are walking around with an extra 10, 30, maybe even 50 or 60 extra pounds of useless load.
Two First Flights

One of the joys of flying is sharing that with others. Sharing it with someone who has never been in a small plane is extra special. That is assuming they enjoy it and don’t get sick, and so far, my track record on both those accounts is perfect. This month I was able to take two people up in a small plane for the first time.