Oh, The Places You’ll Go – Part III

Preparation and Flexibility are the keys to a successful multi-day cross country trip.
The German Aces Speak: World War II Through the Eyes of Four of the Luftwaffe’s Most Important Commanders

Author and historian Colin D. Heaton personally interviewed Walter Krupinski, Adolf Galland, Eduard Neumann, and Wolfgang Falck to bring this story to life.
Three More Flights Before Going Up High

Before taking her up high I wanted to be sure the engine was broken in, so made three more low level flights.
August 2024 Newsletter

I hope you enjoy the thirteenth edition of the newsletter. Please click the links in the newsletter for the articles, (or the link below it) to open the attachment. Note on a phone you may not see the newsletter and need to click the download link to download the PDF and view it. Please feel […]
Catalina is always a treat

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, flying to Catalina is always a treat. In just 20 minutes you feel like you have escaped LA and arrived in a far-off place.
Cost of an Engine Overhaul

“What is the cost of an engine overhaul?” Before jumping into that, break-in flights have been taking place. As quick summary, the first flight was 30 minutes turning laps just north of the airport. I stayed in KFUL’s airspace on the radio with tower just in case anything went awry. I was a little nervous […]
Phoenix and back below 5,000

How low can you make the flight from Southern California to Phoenix?
New Engine Break-In Flights 1-5

Engine completed and break-in flights begun.
Oh, The Places You’ll Go – Part II

**Note that this was an article published in the January 2021 Mooney Flyer Magazine and as such many of the prices are not current.** Ok, let’s have a show of hands. How many of you went out and flew to a few airports you have never been to or ones you haven’t been to in […]
SOG: The Secret Wars of America’s Commandos in Vietnam

SOG, by John L. Plaster is the incredible account of the covert activities of the “Studies and Observations Group” (SOG) before and during the Vietnam War.
July 2024 Newsletter

I hope you enjoy the twelfth edition of the newsletter. Please click the links in the newsletter for the articles, (or the link below it) to open the attachment. Note on a phone you may not see the newsletter and need to click the download link to download the PDF and view it. Please feel […]
Engine Replacement On Your Terms, Not Life’s Terms

“It’s always better to do it on your terms instead of life’s terms” is a favorite saying I learned from my wife.