Pick Up Where You Left Off

I started an unofficial book club. I found a book that I loved so much I invited some friends to read it with me. Once we met for lunch and discussed it, things progressed to reading another book and I had to get Audible to catch up! It seems fancy,…

Written by
Kathy Brown
Published on
31 May 2024

I started an unofficial book club. I found a book that I loved so much I invited some friends to read it with me. Once we met for lunch and discussed it, things progressed to reading another book and I had to get Audible to catch up! It seems fancy, but because life was getting away from me I needed that option.

What I needed to do once, has now become a regular upgrade in Richard’s life. He’s no longer waiting in long lines on the library Libby app to get a book, he just checks it out on audible.

The amazing thing about all these Aviation books that he reads and listens to (mostly set in war time) is that I can hop in his car or climb in the plane and it doesn’t matter if I’ve missed chapter after chapter.  There’s no storyline to catch up on, it’s just flying adventures and the wonder of flight.

Whether it’s Buck Wyndham’s “Hogs in the Sand” or Robin Olds’, “Fighter Pilot” jumping into a plane uninvited. I’ve spent the last 15 years marveling at the incredible aviators he comes across. The highlight is Beryl Markham’s “West with the night” she’s an incredible writer.

My favorite book, is one that hasn’t been written…yet. As I sat with Richard’s dad tonight and he told me stories of flying with the Air Rescue Squadron in Alaska, that felt like jumping into Richard’s truck and listening to a book. Incredible once in a lifetime memories happening every day, and now someone needs to be wise enough to write them down.

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