There are a few things you have to do when you want to own an airplane. Of all those things, close your eyes and open your wallet is high on the list.
Initially, I would equate repairs and upgrades to real life…
Shoulder seats belts or a new fridge?
A new governor or a trip?
It was more of a running joke, and I am a little offended that Richard threw away my evidence of hard earned trips. There was a pile of receipts from Aircraft Spruce on the desk in the hangar. It was getting quite high, like a 2+ inch homage to flight. My decor, medal, flashing lights. Without asking he just tossed them in the trash.
I do know flying is more enjoyable if you’re both financially on the same page. We crossed that bridge at the very beginning, but coming to 1,000 hours of flight was a stark realization of how many honey do lists have been ignored.
He laid all the flooring in the downstairs, and it looks amazing, but the rest of it that goes in the upstairs bathroom is still in the hall.
We have an amazing built-in wall unit/bookcase in the front room that he probably has 90 hours of work involved in. The master bathroom is still not remodeled, but this month we did clean out the garage and instead of flying I got 40+ hours of hard labor.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the plane and the freedom of flying on our own schedule, but everything is a trade off.
Maybe I should start tallying it up and making a logbook entry to celebrate it. I’ll call it the Honey Do Logbook. 🎉🎉🎉