Lucky Charms for Dinner

We landed in Durango because of weather and had some marginal gas station food. It wasn’t clearing up so we drove an hour each way in the crew car to get our own car from Pagosa Springs in case conditions didn’t improve. /*! elementor-pro – v3.18.0 – 20-12-2023 */ .elementor-gallery__container{min-height:1px}.elementor-gallery-item{position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:block;text-decoration:none;border:solid…

Written by
Kathy Brown
Published on
28 Mar 2024

We landed in Durango because of weather and had some marginal gas station food. It wasn’t clearing up so we drove an hour each way in the crew car to get our own car from Pagosa Springs in case conditions didn’t improve.

Getthereitis is a condition that gets rooted out of you in GA Life. Once we returned the crew car, Richard quickly departed in front of the approaching snow for Pagosa to get the plane there for a Sunday departure. I waited 30 minutes at the Durango airport to pick up Austin from his flight. Twelve hours after departing KFUL including  3 hours back and forth in the car between Durango and Pagosa and we were all together.

Richard had walked the two miles from the Pagosa airport to our house. The original plan was Rosie’s Pizza for dinner, but after being on hold with them for far too long we gave up. Instead we busted into the cereal and went to bed early. It wasn’t Lucky Charms, it was Marshmallow Mateys, but you get the idea.

It’s a 14 hour drive from our home in California to our home in Pagosa Springs, CO. Today it was a 12 hour commute when you add in time waiting for weather in Durango, a marginal gas station meal, and back and forth in the car between Durango and Pagosa. Still, it was worth it for the peace of mind.

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