Area 51 by Annie Jacobsen

Everyone, unless you have been living under a rock, has heard of Area 51. The conspiracy theorists and tin foil hat folks have been talking about it for decades. Annie Jacobsen, a New York Times best selling author, conducted interviews of over 70 men who worked on the top secret…

Written by
Richard Brown
Published on
20 Nov 2023

Everyone, unless you have been living under a rock, has heard of Area 51. The conspiracy theorists and tin foil hat folks have been talking about it for decades. Annie Jacobsen, a New York Times best selling author, conducted interviews of over 70 men who worked on the top secret base.

The book’s sub-title is “An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base” and it lives up to the name. Yes, she does go off into the “tin foil hat” realm a few times, but who doesn’t love a good conspiracy?

The bulk of the book covers the nuclear weapons testing programs, along with the development of many top secret aircraft. She covers the U2 program, the SR-71 program, the relatively unknown A-12 Oxcart which was the CIA’s version of the SR-71 prior to the development of the SR-71, along with others.

It is a fascinating read covering over 50 years of activity at the secret base, and extending out to operations world wide. 

Area 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base

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