Coast to Coast Mission Tour – Day 3

June 14, 2019 There are lots of online communities out there, some better than others. One of the best that I have had the pleasure of being a part of is Mooneyspace. When I was getting ready to start my Private Pilot Training and had decided I eventually wanted to…

Written by
Richard Brown
Published on
12 Jul 2019

June 14, 2019

There are lots of online communities out there, some better than others. One of the best that I have had the pleasure of being a part of is Mooneyspace. When I was getting ready to start my Private Pilot Training and had decided I eventually wanted to own a Mooney I joined their forums. I’ve learned a lot about Mooneys and flying in general as well as made some great friends.

Why do I bring up Mooneyspace? The great folks there have been very helpful in the planning of the trip. I got some valuable advice from pilots that live and fly back east on the best times to fly in that part of the country, and when I settled in on a time frame and route I received offers from multiple people offering places to stay en-route if needed as well as just stopping for a bite to eat. Like I said, great folks.

One offer was for some Memphis BBQ, so knowing we were just about an hours flight from Memphis I sent a message last night to a friend who had offered to take us to lunch. It was late, we’re talking really short notice, but I asked and got a quick “Lunch works! Just text your eta.” I only knew Neil from interactions on Mooneyspace, but he was happy to meet us on short notice, did I mention how great the Mooneyspace people are?

We slept in, didn’t even set an alarm. We didn’t need to leave for the airport until 9am or so and took our time getting up, having some breakfast, and getting ready. We made the short drive to the airport and we were soon on our way, climbing up to 3,500′. The Arkansas River like many others in the area had flooded many of the surrounding fields from all the recent rains. Everything was green and beautiful.

Shortly after departing Pine Bluff (KPBF) I contacted approach to pick up flight following. It was only about an hour flight so wasn’t long before we were handed off to Memphis Approach. The controllers there might be some of the most easy going that I have talked to. They were busy with FedEx planes in and out of Memphis International but they cleared us through the Bravo when we were still about 10 miles or so outside their airspace.

The Mississippi, like the Arkansas, had overflown her banks in a lot of places. General DeWitt Spain Airport sits right on the banks of the Mississippi and the right downwind for 17 is directly over the river. We landed and as we were taxiing to the fuel pump Neil was walking across the ramp to greet us. A gentleman from the FBO was helpful as I fueled the plane and then he pulled it over to a parking spot, Southern Hospitality at its finest.

Neil took us on a little tour of Memphis on our way to Central BBQ. I thought that I have had good BBQ before, after having ribs at Central, I realized I that while I may have had good BBQ in the past, I have never had great BBQ until that day. We got a couple racks to split between us and the boys made quick work of theirs, leading Neil and I to offer to let them finish ours.

After lunch we walked across the street to the National Civil Rights Museum and the Lorraine Motel where Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated, then we continued the Memphis tour driving along the waterfront on our way back to the airport. Before departing we got a picture with Neil, thanked him again, and then we were getting ready and on our way to Hickory, NC (KHKY) for another Mooneyspace connection.

We picked up flight following shortly after departing and again received clearance through the Memphis Bravo.

Every year for Oshkosh the Mooney Caravan meets up and then flies in three ship formations as a huge group into Oshkosh. To participate pilots have to get qualified for formation flight. There are clinics held across the country at different times of the year to teach formation flight and help pilots qualify. There just happened to be one taking place at Hickory, and Bob from Mooneyspace had seen our route, and noticing that we would be going right past Hickory invited us to stop by for lunch or dinner and to meet everyone.

For this leg of the trip it was up to 7,500′ so we could clear the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was a mostly smooth flight with the expected bumps as we crossed the mountains of Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina. We were getting close to Hickory about the time the last sorties of the day were returning. While still on the radio with Approach, prior to the handoff to the Hickory Tower, they were talking to a TBM that was also heading into KHKY. Approach called out traffic for the TBM that “appeared to be maneuvering.” A few moments later the TBM called that they had the traffic in sight and that “it’s actually a flight of two.” The response from Approach was one word, “interesting…”

We landed right behind the last group of Mooneys and taxied to the FBO for parking. After asking around we finally met Bob along with some other Mooneyspace folks and shared a nice meal with them. Just another example of the generosity and kindness of the Mooneyspace folks.

After dinner we made a hotel reservation and grabbed a Lyft ride. The driver was a younger gentleman that was dressed nicely in a shirt and tie. The boys got in the back and I got in the front seat and we started up a conversation. The driver’s English was excellent, but he did have an accent so I asked him where he was from. As soon as he said Cuba, Austin jumped in with his Spanish. The rest of the ride was a combination of English/Spanish and it was awesome to really hear Austin carry on a great conversation in Spanish.

What a great day! How else would you sleep-in in Arkansas, have some amazing BBQ in Memphis, and dinner in North Carolina?

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