French Valley Dinner Run

Finally, I get to fly with passengers in the Mooney!!! It was hazy/misty this morning, the remnants of the rain that never quite materialized yesterday  which meant plenty of time to get some yard work done while waiting for the skies to clear up. A little after noon my wife and I piled in the […]

“Flightseeing” – Was that Wind Shear?

Ah, finally coming down to the end of the insurance transition requirements. I’m feeling pretty good in the plane, although I still have quite a way to go in learning how long it takes to slow her down. The Mooney really isn’t that different to fly than the Cherokees that I trained in, it’s just […]

Smoother Landings

I’m still working on my solo time prior to carrying any passengers. I don’t find cross country to be very difficult at all so I decided to just focus on pattern work and landings today. Cross country basically involves climbing to altitude, going through the cruise checklist to get everything configured, making sure you don’t […]

Last CFI Flight – First Solo in the Mooney

Before I could fly solo I needed another 1.9 hours with my CFI. We couldn’t make the schedule work last night so we planned to meet this morning to finish it up. I had told him that I wanted to get in some crosswind landing practice. Because I knew Chino and Riverside would probably be […]

Pattern Work and Airport Hopping at Night

I’m still working on my transition training but starting to feel much more comfortable with the plane. After a few winters here with very little rain, Mother Nature decided that this year was the time to make up for it. It was cloudy and rainy during the day Tuesday but started to clear up a […]

Cross Country, Repairs, Airport Introductions

Saturday brought more new experiences in flying the Mooney, a MP (Manifold Pressure) gauge that decided to stop working, and an adventure through the airport community. The names have been changed, some of them because I don’t remember all of them, and others because I don’t know if they would want to be named in […]

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