Sunsets and Steep Turns

With a free evening I took my son out to the airport and we headed to the practice area so that he could do a little more flying. It was a beautiful Southern California sunset. Now that he has his cushion and can see over the panel he wanted to…

Written by
Richard Brown
Published on
2 May 2017

With a free evening I took my son out to the airport and we headed to the practice area so that he could do a little more flying. It was a beautiful Southern California sunset.

Now that he has his cushion and can see over the panel he wanted to try steep turns (45° bank) again. So what happens when you turn the controls over to a 13 yo and tell him he can do what he wants? Well, you better not get motion sickness easily, because he may just want to fly in circles… because the flight path may just look like this…

We had a great time!!!!!

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