Coffin Corner Boys

Coffin Corner Boys by Carole Engle Avriett and Captain George W. Starks tells the true story of the crew of a B-17 shot down over enemy territory on their first bombing mission….
Written by
Richard Brown
Published on
9 May 2024

Coffin Corner Boys by Carole Engle Avriett and Captain George W. Starks tells the true story of the crew of a B-17 shot down over enemy territory on their first bombing mission. Incredibly, all 10 members of the crew survive bailing out, and are reunited after the war.

Some were captured and spent time in POW camps, two were arrested by the French Gendarme and turned over to the Germans, and some were taken in by the French people who risked everything to get them to safety. Along the way a number of “coincidental events” which could be classified as “miracles” played a part in escapes to Spain and Switzerland.

I came away from this book with annoyance at the Swiss and their treatment of the American Airmen and an incredible amount of respect for the French people. Their sacrifice, placing the needs of the airmen above their own and placing their own lives at risk of German retaliation is heroic.

I really wanted to love the book because it is such an incredible story. In the end I ended up liking it, but didn’t love it. Due to the nature of trying to follow the events of 10 different characters, at times I found myself trying to remember who was where, what had happened to them, and what was happening to them. Maybe that was a me problem.

I’m glad I stayed until the end of the book. Captain George Starks returns to France many years after the war and is able to track down those who had helped him escape. The stories of their reunions is as touching as you would imagine.

If you are looking for a true story of survival, determination , sacrifice, and friendship, give Coffin Corner Boys a try.

Coffin Corner Boys by Carole Engle Avriett and Captain George W. Starks

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