June 15, 2019
With only an hour remaining to our destination, we slept in again… Why not?
After breakfast and another Lyft ride we were back at the airport and getting topped off by the fuel truck. Even though we weren’t there for the formation clinic the nice folks at the FBO at KHYK gave us the discount on the fuel that Bob had worked out with them for the formation clinic.
They have some nice displays inside the terminal at Hickory and quite a few aircraft on static display outside.
The formation clinic flights were beginning to depart as we were leaving and we watched an Acclaim and an F line up and take off in formation. We departed right after them and it was neat to see them and another flight on the tablet as we were climbing out. (I later learned that I shouldn’t have been able to see both of them but the wing-man missed the ground ops checklist item of pulling the circuit breaker on his transponder)

A little over an hour later we were crossing over Johnston Regional (KJNX) at 1,200′ and entering a left downwind for runway 21. Some of my son’s friends picked us up at the airport.
We spent the afternoon with the boys shooting home made bows, visiting the famous flea market that Austin talked about when he was in Smithfield, and having some amazing tacos at a tiny roadside restaurant.
My wife flew commercial into Raleigh in the afternoon and met us in the evening at a quinceanera for the daughter of one of the church members. Afterwards we had snowcones and visited some other people that my son had taught the Gospel to when he was there. It was a great day!